Patient Resources

Thank you for allowing Cornerstone House Calls to become your primary care physician and entrusting us with your care. We strive to set the highest standard of in-home medical care by integrating excellence and responsiveness to the unique needs of every patient we care for. Our upmost goal is to build intimate patient relationships centered on honesty, integrity, and human dignity.

New to Cornerstone House Calls?

Look at our appointment information and call us at 972.798.8001 to get registered. After you are registered, you will receive a phone call from our scheduler to coordinate your first appointment.

Once your house call visit has been scheduled, if not already sent to our office, please collect all medical records that you believe are pertinent to your care, including a copy of all current medications, to give to your provider.

After your first visit, your provider will schedule follow up visits on an ongoing basis, as medically necessary, usually every 30-90 days. If you need to schedule an appointment outside of your planned follow up visit, please call the office.

You will receive a phone call reminding you of your scheduled appointment one to two days before your scheduled visit. Your reminder call will confirm your appointment day and the clinician that will treat you. We make every effort to pair patients with same provider each visit for proper case management and to build a trusting relationship.

Caregivers and patients should be aware of their scheduled visit and ensure that they can create an environment that is conducive for a quality medical visit.  This includes minimizing distractions and ensuring safe and private surroundings. In addition, pets should be secured to minimize distractions from your quality time with your provider.

During your house call visit expect your clinician to:

  • Review contact, demographic and insurance information
  • Perform a thorough review of your medical and social history
  • Perform a thorough physical examination
  • Review your current list of medications
  • If warranted, discontinue medications that may not necessarily be needed
  • Fill or refill any medications if needed
  • Order baseline lab work or imaging studies as medically necessary
  • Develop a plan of care with patient and/or caregiver
  • Set up a future visit to review progress and lab work


This in-depth approach allows Cornerstone House Call clinicians to develop a comprehensive, highly individualized Plan of Care, and identify needs for medications and supporting services such as transportation, home health, personal care, and physical/occupational therapy.

Cornerstone House Calls is a Primary Care Physician practice. We do not make emergency visits. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the hospital. If you are admitted to the hospital, please contact us so we can provide the hospital with any required information and plan your post-discharge follow-up care.

For patients seeking more information Cornerstone House Calls recommends the following online services.